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Even though head lice carry a stigma, they are actually very common and have probably happened to many people you know! It’s estimated that between 6 and 12 million infestations occur each year, and they are most common among school-aged children. It’s just a myth that head lice like dirty hair. They like all types of hair, and they spread through direct contact, such as when kids play or read together. 

Fortunately, there are ways to keep your child safe from head lice while at school, daycare, sports, sleepovers, etc. My Hair Helpers offers a full line of head lice prevention and treatment products. They are made from natural ingredients like peppermint oil and spearmint, and they are guaranteed to work. If your child does end up with head lice, you can treat them effectively using our products. 

Below are the top five head lice products to have at your home for both prevention and treatment purposes. Let’s break them down below! 

1. My Mint Mousse

Head lice attach their nits to a hair shaft with waterproof glue. The eggs stay there where they are kept warm so they can grow and hatch. This glue is what makes nits difficult to remove, even with conventional treatments. 

My Mint Mousse is made from strained yeast enzymes and is clinically proven to dissolve nit glue. Nits are no match for our mousse! The ingredients in this product dissolve the glue so that you can remove nits and stop eggs from hatching. 

2. My Lice Removal Oil

This breakthrough product stops lice in their tracks! It’s made from 100% dimethicone, an FDA approved ingredient found in cosmetics and skincare products. The dimethicone oil suffocates the bugs so that the infestation is stopped. 

Suffocation is necessary because lice can hold their breath for about eight hours, so showers and swimming won’t kill them. And while over-the-counter products can kill lice, they’re using insecticides to do so. These harsh chemicals can cause skin irritation and other problems for young children. 

3. My Mint Spray 

My Mint Spray is a head lice prevention product. It uses a proprietary mint formula to repel head lice, as these bugs don’t like the scent of mint. As a natural product, you can use this spray as often as necessary to prevent infestations. 

We recommend applying a few spritzes before your child leaves for school, while giving special attention to the nape of the neck and behind the ears where lice like to hide out. Our customers just love the pleasant peppermint fragrance! 

4. My Mint Shampoo and Conditioner 

My Mint Shampoo can help prevent a lice infestation by washing them out before they’ve had a chance to multiply and spread. It has a pleasant peppermint scent just like our other products, and it’s made with mint, which has been proven to intoxicate lice. 

My Mint Conditioner can be used after washing with our shampoo. It’s filled with essential oils to help protect and defend your hair from a head lice infestation. You can use both products regularly to help your child stay lice-free. 

5. My Mint Detangler

Our fresh mint detangler makes your child’s heart soft and pliable while fighting head lice! It’s easy to use and has a light peppermint scent like our other products. We especially recommend this product for children with curly or tangled hair, as it will leave the hair smooth and make it easier to comb through and fight lice. 

When you have these five head lice products at home, you can treat and prevent head lice. You can purchase our products directly from our website or on Amazon, both with fast shipping and family friendly pricing!