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Managing head lice in little girl with curly black hair

Do Head Lice Like Curly Hair?

By lice

If you have curly hair, you might be wondering if you can still catch head lice. The answer: Yes, you can. All hair types can get head lice and no type of hair is immune to them. What makes head lice in curly hair more difficult is that nit combing…

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brush child's hair

How Quickly Do Head Lice Multiply?

By lice

Head lice are a common problem that typically affect school-aged children. It doesn’t matter if the hair is clean or dirty – head lice will take any viable host. They grab onto the hair and climb up to the scalp, where they’re able to stay warm and feed on human…

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Doctor checking for head lice on young child

How to Avoid Head Lice after Exposure

By lice

Head lice can be a nuisance, causing discomfort and social stigma. Knowing how to avoid them after exposure can help you prevent a stubborn infestation down the line. Whether you or your child has been exposed to someone with lice, taking proactive steps can significantly reduce the likelihood of the…

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blood type

Do Head Lice Prefer Certain Blood Types Over Others?

By lice

If mosquitoes can be picky about the blood they suck, so can other pests like bed bugs and head lice, right? Perhaps you’ve noticed that mosquitoes tend to bite some people more than others. Because these pests can spread harmful diseases like Zika, dengue fever and malaria, researchers regularly study…

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Kids spending time at summer camp and staying lice free

Why Your Summer Camp Should Screen for Head Lice

By lice

For many families, camp is a staple of the summer experience. Parents send their kids to camp to stay busy, learn new skills, make new friends and create lifelong memories. And while camp certainly checks off all of these boxes, it also brings a lot of kids together, which presents…

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