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With summer approaching, many children are already looking forward to attending summer camp. While summer camp presents an excellent opportunity for your child to make new friends, have fun and stay busy, it can also come with some unwanted guests: head lice. 

Head lice infestations are a common problem at summer camps due to the close contact between kids. Even if your child won’t be sleeping at camp, they’ll still be spending their days alongside other kids. Playing sports and engaging in other activities can open up opportunities for lice to spread

However, with a few precautions and proactive thinking, you can keep your child lice free this summer. Below we’ll go over some tips for keeping your child lice-free at summer camp. 

Check for Lice Before Camp 

Before your child heads off to camp, inspect their hair for head lice. You can do this on your own at home, or you can schedule an appointment at a head lice salon like My Hair Helpers. 

The purpose of a head lice inspection is to check for tiny, white or grayish bugs moving around in the hair or small white eggs that are attached to the hair shafts near the scalp. If you find any evidence of lice, treat your child’s hair using My Hair Helpers’ products before they leave for camp. 

Keep Long Hair Tied Back 

If your child has long hair, you’ll want to keep it tied back in a braid or ponytail. Long hair is more likely to come into contact with other campers’ hair and shared surfaces, making it more susceptible to lice. By keeping it tied back, you can greatly reduce the chances for a lice infestation. 

Avoid Sharing Personal Items 

Even though head lice are less likely to be spread through personal items, it does still happen. Encourage your child not to share personal items like brushes, hats, towels and hair accessories. Pack them with their own supplies, and label everything with their name or initials. 

Educate Your Child 

Teach your child the signs of head lice so that they can let you know if they experience any itching or tickling sensations in the hair. Remind them to avoid direct content when possible and not to share hats, helmets and other items that may be at camp. 

Use Preventive Products 

There are a number of lice prevention products available, including lice shampoos and lice sprays from My Hair Helpers. Our products are made from natural ingredients, so they are safe for everyone. They smell great and repel lice with essential oils like spearmint and peppermint. Add them to your child’s regimen to avoid head lice! 

Even though head lice outbreaks aren’t uncommon at summer camps, they shouldn’t spoil your child’s camp experience. By following the tips above, you can prevent these tiny parasites from invading your summer.