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If mosquitoes can be picky about the blood they suck, so can other pests like bed bugs and head lice, right?

Perhaps you’ve noticed that mosquitoes tend to bite some people more than others. Because these pests can spread harmful diseases like Zika, dengue fever and malaria, researchers regularly study mosquitoes. Through their research, they’ve found that mosquitoes are more attracted to people with blood type O.

Is the case for head lice, too? While there is no definitive answer for this, some studies show that head lice may prefer certain blood types over others. 

Are Some People More Prone to Head Lice? 

Head lice affect many families at least once in their lifetime. While there are simple things you can do to prevent head lice – tying up the hair, not sharing personal accessories, using a lice repellent spray – there’s no guaranteed way to avoid head lice. Sometimes, it just happens.

And, it’s possible that blood type and head lice may go together. Blood type is a biological factor that you don’t get to choose. You inherit your blood type from your parents. The four different blood types are: 

  • Group A has only the A antigen on red cells. 
  • Group B has only the B antigen on red cells. 
  • Group AB has both A and B antigens on red cells. 
  • Group O has neither A nor B antigens on red cells. 

What Blood Type Do Head Lice Prefer? 

Some studies suggest that head lice may prefer positive blood types over negative blood types. While this may be true, lice have the ability to feed off any type of blood. And, when they begin to feed after hatching from their egg, they prefer to stick with the same blood type throughout their life. 

Another factor that may make you more or less likely to get head lice is the Rh or Rhesus factor. The rhesus factor is the protein found on the blood cells that make a person’s blood negative or positive. If your blood cells have the rhesus protein on the surface, your blood is positive. If your blood cells do not have the rhesus protein, your blood is negative. 

Addressing Recurrent Lice Infestations 

If your child keeps getting head lice, it’s possible that they are more prone to head lice infestations based on their blood type. Even though you can’t change your child’s blood type, you can take extra measures to prevent a head lice infestation. This includes:

  • Tying back your child’s hair into a ponytail or braid 
  • Using a lice spray to discourage head lice 
  • Discouraging the sharing of personal accessories like combs, brushes and barrettes 
  • Checking for head lice once a week using a lice comb 

If you do run into any problems, My Hair Helpers has a full line of head lice products for kids, including lice shampoos, conditioners and repellent sprays. They are made from all-natural ingredients like rosemary, peppermint and yeast enzymes, and they are safe to use for all ages!