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Super lice have been making recent headlines, but they aren’t anything new. These treatment-resistant lice are just like regular head lice, except they are resistant to the active ingredients in many head lice treatments. A common first line of defense for treating head lice is pyrethroids, but super lice are resistant to pyrethroids. This is why head lice experts recommend products that contain dimethicone.

Let’s learn more about why lice are growing resistant to head lice treatments and how dimethicone is a top line of defense for treating all types of lice.

Why are Lice Becoming Resistant?

Super lice are just like regular lice, with the exception that they don’t respond to OTC treatments. These stubborn pests are spread through head-to-head contact and from sharing items like combs, barrettes and hats. Super lice have been found in 25 states, including California.

Common reasons why OTC head lice treatments are growing ineffective are:

  • Treatments aren’t used correctly. Reapplying head lice treatment too late, too soon or not at all can result in a more serious infestation. It’s similar to taking antibiotics – if you don’t use the medication as prescribed by your doctor, it can cause the bacteria to grow and become resistant.
  • Improper diagnosis. If head lice is not confirmed by a professional lice expert, it’s possible for an incorrect diagnosis to be made. Lice can be mistaken for dandruff or scabs. Also, an itchy head doesn’t necessarily mean lice. If you think your child may have lice, have it confirmed by a lice expert.
  • New cases of head lice. Sometimes, head lice are treated effectively and appropriately, but they return. This is called a reinfestation. Some people panic and assume it’s the same infestation, so they use more of the product than they need to. However, it’s a new problem that may benefit from a different treatment.

How to Treat Super Lice (Yes, it’s Possible!)

Dimethicone is a highly effective head lice treatment with a low risk of side effects. Unlike pyrethroids, it is not an insecticide, which is why it’s recommended in schools, daycares and households. My Hair Helpers lice removal oil contains 100% dimethicone and is guaranteed to work – backed by our 30-Day Guarantee.

So how does the treatment work? The dimethicone suffocates and disrupts a louse’s ability to regulate water. It can be used on regular lice and super lice with the same results. Because it’s not an insecticide, dimethicone is much safer and better tolerated than other OTC treatments. After applying a treatment, practice good prevention tips, such as checking your child’s hair weekly and instructing them not to share hair accessories with others.

In the end, super lice are nothing to panic about. They are more stubborn to get rid of, but this only means that you need more specific treatments. Super lice can – and WILL – be destroyed by the right products. To shop for dimethicone-based head lice products, visit My Hair Helpers today.