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The holidays are officially here! Knowing that head lice is most common in school aged children, you may think that the chances for head lice infestations are lower this time of year due to more time at home. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. In fact, we see a lot of active infestations during the holidays. 

We always remind our families that it’s not possible to avoid lice 100% of the time. If you have hair, you can get lice. It’s that simple. But, it’s important to know that there are many proactive steps you can take to keep your family lice free. This couldn’t be more important than now when extended family and friends look forward to seeing your children for the holidays. Don’t let head lice ruin your plans!

Below are the three most common ways that kids get head lice over the holiday season and how to reduce your risk. 

Holiday Family Vacations 

Over the holidays, it’s common for families to take vacations to unwind and relax. If you plan on staying at a hotel or waterpark, you’ll be lodging with hundreds of other families. Head lice can be spread in a number of ways, including at the pool or waterpark. Because lice can survive up to 8 hours in the water, they can technically find their way onto another head. It’s rare, but it does happen. 

Here are some prevention tips when enjoying your winter family vacation: 

  • Wear swimming caps (we know, they’re not fashion statements but they work!)
  • Apply a lice prevention spray like My Mint Spray 
  • Wipe down the backs of chairs before sitting down for a meal 
  • Check your child’s hair for nits or lice 

Home for the Holidays 

The holidays are a time when friends and family come together. Whether you’re hosting the holidays or traveling to someone else’s home, there’s a chance for head lice to spread. Just think about the hugs and kisses that grandchildren share with their grandparents or how close cousins play together. Close contact happens all the time when family gets together! 

To prevent the spread of head lice at your family gatherings, here are a few tips: 

  • Keep articles of clothing separate
  • Tuck hats into coat sleeves 
  • Vacuum high traffic areas where the kids play 
  • Use a lice repellent spray on your child 
  • Check your child’s hair weekly 

Community Holiday Events 

This time of the year also means extra festivities at your child’s school or daycare. Your child might be participating in a school play or having a visit from Santa Claus. This time of year puts a lot of kids together in close quarters, so talk to your child about smart prevention strategies like the following: 

  • Keep your child’s hair tied back in a bun or braid 
  • Remind your child to tuck their hat into their coat sleeve 
  • Give your child’s hair a pump of mint spray 
  • Check your child’s hair each week for lice or nits 

The holidays are a time for togetherness with friends, family and the community, but it also creates new opportunities for lice to spread. By following the tips above, you can prevent lice from inviting themselves into your home for the holidays. And, if you do happen to catch a louse or lice in your child’s hair, you can remove it or treat the infestation with a treatment kit from My Hair Helpers