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head lice salon

What Can a Head Lice Technician Do for You?

By lice

Head lice are tiny insects that feed on blood from the human scalp. While head lice most commonly affect children, no one is exempt from getting them. The good news is that head lice do not carry or transmit disease – and they are curable. While it is possible to…

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blood type

Do Head Lice Prefer Certain Blood Types Over Others?

By lice

If mosquitoes can be picky about the blood they suck, so can other pests like bed bugs and head lice, right? Perhaps you’ve noticed that mosquitoes tend to bite some people more than others. Because these pests can spread harmful diseases like Zika, dengue fever and malaria, researchers regularly study…

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brush child's hair

How Quickly Do Head Lice Multiply?

By lice

Head lice are a common problem that typically affect school-aged children. It doesn’t matter if the hair is clean or dirty – head lice will take any viable host. They grab onto the hair and climb up to the scalp, where they’re able to stay warm and feed on human…

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summer camp

You Don’t Have to Bring Home Lice from Summer Camp

By lice

Is your child attending camp this summer? Summer camp is a great opportunity for kids to come together and have fun while learning lifelong lessons. But because it does bring kids close together, head lice are a concern. According to a survey by the University of Michigan, 60 percent of…

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in-home head lice service

The Benefits of Choosing an In-Home Lice Removal Service

By lice

Summer break is finally here! COVID restrictions have loosened in California, which means that residents are able to enjoy museums, amusement parks, swimming pools, water parks and other activities with few to no restrictions. But as we know, life likes to get in the way of this fun at times! …

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bald father and child

Can Bald People Get Head Lice?

By lice

Can bald people get head lice? This is a common question that we hear from clients, and they’re often surprised by our response. Yes, it is possible for a bald person to get lice. However, they are extremely unlikely to have an infestation.  Why is this the case?  Head lice…

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blow dry hair

Can the Heat from a Blow Dryer Kill Head Lice?

By lice

Getting rid of head lice quickly and effectively is everyone’s top priority when learning of an infestation. And while there are many products that can kill lice, many people still consider at-home remedies first. After all, they’re fast, inexpensive and readily available. However, they are often ineffective, especially when it…

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