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Who is Most Vulnerable to Head Lice?

By lice

Head lice does not discriminate. Even though some parts of the world appear to have more head lice cases, this is deceiving. Usually, we see these outbreaks in lower income populations because of the barrier to proper head lice treatment. People who live in middle-and-upper class communities still get lice,…

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little girl with pigtails

How to Manage Head Lice Outbreaks During Coronavirus

By lice

This is a scary and unprecedented time for our world. Here at My Hair Helpers, we have always been committed to our customers as they navigate the hardships of head lice cases in their schools, homes and communities. We do not believe in panicking, as this can cause unnecessary fear…

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lower income child

Are Lice More Common in Lower Income Areas?

By lice

A common misconception regarding head lice is that they are more common in lower income populations. The reality: head lice are found among all socioeconomic groups. Infestations are also likely to occur in most ethnic groups, though African Americans have lower rates.  Knowing that lice are common in all populations, why…

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student at school

How School Administrators Can Manage Head Lice Outbreaks

By lice

As a school administrator, you have high expectations from students, parents, staff and the community. Therefore, if there’s a lice outbreak in your school, it’s normal to feel the pressure. How did this happen? Does this mean your school is dirty? Are you sending students home? Unfortunately, many of the…

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kids playing together

7 Unexpected Ways You Can Get Head Lice

By lice

Head lice are a common problem, especially among kids. While they are not harmful to human health, they are a nuisance that we can all do without.  At My Hair Helpers, we make it easier for families to deal with lice outbreaks in their homes, schools and communities. We realize…

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