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child brushing hair head lice

What Happens if You Have Head Lice for Too Long?

By lice

Head lice are tiny parasites that live in your hair and feed off the blood from your scalp. They are not harmful and they do not spread disease, but they are still a nuisance. Most people develop symptoms around four to six weeks after the infestation. By this point, the…

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hair loss

Can Head Lice Make Your Hair Fall Out?

By lice

Head lice are types of parasites that need human blood to survive. They typically stay close to the scalp, behind the ears and on the nape of the neck. Sometimes they can be found in the eyelashes and eyebrows. Female lice can lay six to eight eggs daily on the…

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two girls touching heads

Best Ways to Lower Your Odds for Getting Lice

By lice

Head lice are a common problem for kids across the globe. It’s estimated that 6-12 million kids get lice every year, and despite the myths, these parasites do not pick and choose their victims. Lice must feed off human blood so they do not assess each child for their cleanliness…

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two children

5 Places Where Your Child Can Pick Up Head Lice

By lice

Head lice are not uncommon, but that still doesn’t make them fun to deal with. These annoying pests primarily live on the human scalp, causing 6-11 million infestations every year in children. Fortunately, lice aren’t too durable. They can’t jump, run or fly and they can only live off a…

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two dogs

Is it Possible for Kids to Get Lice from Pets?

By lice

Pets can get lice. Humans can get lice. So can kids and pets give each other lice?  No.  Even though both pets and humans can get lice, they are different types of lice. Head lice are a specific type of species called Pediculus humanus capitis. They affect humans on their…

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two girls sitting close on bed

Can I Get Head Lice More than Once?

By lice

Lice are parasites that attach themselves to human hair and feed on human blood. They are not a disease or infection, which also means your body won’t develop antibodies to them. Therefore, you can get lice again and again. So, the short answer to the question of, “Can I get…

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child with ponytail

Best Hairstyles to Prevent Head Lice

By lice

Head lice is most commonly spread through head to head contact. Avoiding this close contact is the best way to prevent head lice from happening to your family. However, you can’t control what other people do, nor can you control what your child does when they’re out of your sight….

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