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When you receive confirmation that your child has lice, one of your first questions is probably, “Should I tell anyone?” Head lice still carry a stigma, and this stigma is what makes people secretive about them. They don’t want to be viewed as dirty or unkempt. 

However, not telling others that your child has lice gives the infestation a chance to spread. If this continues, your child could end up with lice again! Having lice once does not make you immune, which means your child can bring it home again and again. 

So the answer to, “Should I tell others that my child has lice” is a definite yes. To help this conversation go smoothly, here are some things to know. 

Why People Don’t Need to Freak Out Over Lice 

It’s easy to get nervous over lice, but they’re not as bad as people think. They are a definite nuisance, but they are 100% treatable. When you do have this conversation with your friends, here are a few tips. 

  • Lice do not spread that easily. They are contagious but mostly spread through head-to-head contact. Lice must also crawl fast – they cannot run, jump or fly. They also can’t survive off a human host for more than a day. 
  • Lice are not dangerous to human health. Head lice are sometimes confused with body lice, but they are two different things. Head lice do not carry bacteria and will not make your family sick. 
  • Kids don’t need to be sent home from school. It takes about 4-6 weeks for symptoms to appear, so kids don’t need to be sent home when lice are detected. They can finish out their school day, use a head lice treatment shampoo at home and return to school the next day. 
  • Lice can happen to anyone. Contrary to popular belief, lice do not discriminate. They happen to clean people, affluent people, black people, white people, etc. Anyone can get lice – plain and simple! 
  • Lice are treatable. Most importantly, lice can be treated in a few easy steps. You can visit a head lice salon or purchase head lice removal products from a trusted company like My Hair Helpers. 

Tips for Having The Head Lice Conversation 

Now that you know a bit more about lice and why they’re not worth freaking out over, here are some tips for helping this conversation go smoothly. 

Since lice are spread through head-to-head contact, there’s a good chance that your child got lice from one of their playmates. If you don’t tell anyone, the infestation can spread and your child can get lice right back. 

Let your friends know what symptoms prompted you to check your child’s hair, as well as where you went for treatment. Give them the name and phone number of the company that helped you. Your friends can schedule a quick appointment and have their children checked for lice. 

Please note that over-the-counter products are not recommended because they contain harsh ingredients that are not necessary for killing lice. To give your child a boost of protection when they return to school, use a mint lice repellent spray. It smells great and deters lice from crawling onto your child’s hair. 

If you suspect head lice have intruded your home, contact My Hair Helpers for a salon appointment or mobile visit to your home. We are open by appointment and following all Covid restrictions.