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If summer camp is on the agenda for your kids this summer, you’re probably looking forward to the memories they’ll make and the stories they’ll tell. But, one story you don’t want them to come home with is having a case of head lice. Not only is this a huge nuisance for your child, but also it can spread to other members in the home, as well as other campers. It could be months or longer until things are under control! 

There’s no question that head lice are a common problem for camps. Lots of children are spending time together in close quarters, particularly if they sleep overnight. But you shouldn’t have to sacrifice some summertime fun for fear of head lice. There are steps you can take to prevent lice from spreading to your child. 

Ask About a Camp Head Lice Policy 

The first thing to do is ask about the camp’s head lice policy. Some camps offer head lice screenings at the start and end of summer camp. You can also ask about how the camp handles infestations. Do they send kids home? Do they clean the common areas? 

Ideally, the camp should offer some type of screening. If they don’t, we recommend taking your child to see a head lice expert or doing a head lice check yourself before they leave for camp. This way, you can keep on top of an emerging infestation.

You can also talk to the camp about starting a head lice policy if they don’t have one. Point them in the direction of My Hair Helpers – we offer affordable, efficient head lice detection and treatment services. Everything is done on-site using our 100% safe, nontoxic head lice products. 

Make a No-Share List 

If your child is old enough for camp, they’re old enough to have a no-share list. On this list should be items that your child is not allowed to share with other campers. Here are some items we recommend putting on the list: 

  • Combs and brushes
  • Hair ties, barrettes and headbands
  • Pillows, blankets and sleeping bags 
  • Stuffed animals 
  • Hats and sunglasses 

Pack a Lice Prevention Spray

Head lice do not like the smell of rosemary, mint or tea tree oil. Our Mint Spray contains a pleasant peppermint fragrance that kids and parents love – but lice hate! We strongly recommend using this product when your child goes to camp. Simply mist on your child’s hair and let it work wonders! 

Avoid Selfies

Kids love taking pictures of themselves with others, but talk to your child about not doing this while at camp. Selfies involve multiple people squeezing into a photo, which means heads are touching. This is the No. 1 way that lice spread! Educate your child on why they should avoid taking these photos. 

Get a Professional Lice Check at the End of Camp

If your child’s camp doesn’t offer head lice screenings, be sure to schedule one once camp is over. It can take 4-6 weeks for lice symptoms to appear, which means your child could have a case of lice that you don’t know about. With a lice check, you can identify active lice and prevent them from spreading to others. 

We hope that our tips will help keep your campers lice free this summer. To learn more about the head lice treatment and prevention services from My Hair Helpers, contact us today!