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Head lice are parasites that attach to the hair and feed off blood from the scalp. While head lice are contagious and do spread easily, they’re not off flying around like people think. In fact, lice can’t fly, jump or hop! They move around by crawling, which is why head-to-head contact accounts for 90% of transmission. 

When there is no warm head nearby, lice stay put so they can feed off the host’s blood and continue their lifecycle. Fortunately, head lice do not carry disease and are not considered a public health hazard. However, they can be extremely annoying, causing scalp itching and secondary infections. 

Identifying lice early is one of the best ways to prevent them from spreading. Lice eggs are typically a tan color, which can make them difficult to spot in some types of hair. If your child has blonde hair, for example, you might not notice head lice as easily. 

Below are some tips on how to find lice in blonde hair. If you have any doubts, bring your child into a head lice salon like My Hair Helpers. 

Tips for Finding Lice on Blonde Hair 

Even though lice are difficult to spot, they can be identified at home. You’ll need to gather your detective gear, which includes a fine-toothed lice comb and magnifying glass. Wet hair is best, so we recommend looking after your child has taken their bath or shower. 

Divide the hair into small sections and use the magnifying glass to look for lice, eggs and egg casings. Sores may also be present from scratching, especially if the infestation is severe. Comb through your child’s hair and wipe the comb onto a paper towel. 

Lice can be difficult to identify, so just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there. If your child is complaining of an itchy scalp, you can take them to their pediatrician or a head lice expert for a diagnosis. 

What Do Lice Look Like on Blonde Hair? 

In blonde hair, lice often look like specks of brown pepper or sand. They’re about the size of a sesame seed. Remember, lice only move by crawling so you won’t find them flying or hopping. They crawl fast and scurry in the light, so it’s easy to miss them! 

Depending on the color of the lice and the color of your child’s hair, they may be more difficult to spot. Living lice are usually darker than eggs. Lice eggs, on the other hand, are harder to see because they’re often yellow or white. Sometimes, the eggs will even take on the exact color of the host’s head as a protective mechanism. 

It’s important to know that lice do not prefer one type of hair over another. People with blonde hair are no more likely to get head lice than those with darker hair. But they can be more difficult to find in lighter hair. 

My Hair Helpers is safe to use in all types of hair. Visit our Amazon store or buy our products here. Your child can return to school the next day!