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curly haired child

How to Remove Head Lice from Thick and Curly Hair

By lice

Dealing with head lice is a challenge for anyone, but for individuals with thick and curly hair, the process can be especially difficult. The texture and volume of thick, curly hair can make it difficult to thoroughly inspect and comb through, creating a potential haven for lice and their eggs…

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family camping

Can You Get Head Lice While Camping?

By lice

Camping offers an incredible opportunity to connect with nature, unwind and make lasting memories with family and friends. However, since camping also brings people close together in tight quarters, people often worry about head lice. Can you get head lice while camping? And if so, what precautions can you take…

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child scratching head

How to Prevent Head Lice During Spring Break

By lice

As spring break approaches, families and students alike are gearing up for a well-deserved vacation. Whether it’s a tropical getaway, a family visit or a camping trip, spring break is a time for relaxation and fun. However, it’s also a time when head lice can become a concern, especially for…

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two girls sitting together

How to Avoid Head Lice after Exposure

By lice

Head lice can be a nuisance, causing discomfort and social stigma. Knowing how to avoid them after exposure can help you prevent a stubborn infestation down the line. Whether you or your child has been exposed to someone with lice, taking proactive steps can significantly reduce the likelihood of the…

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young child

Why You Should Go To A Professional For Head Lice Removal

By lice

Heading to a professional for lice removal, instead of attempting DIY treatments, is an increasingly popular choice for those dealing with infestations. This approach offers numerous advantages, from effectiveness to convenience, making it an option worth considering for anyone facing this common but challenging issue.  Below are the main reasons…

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kids at school

How Long after Treatment are Head Lice Contagious?

By lice

Dealing with head lice infestations can be stressful, and one common concern is how long individuals remain contagious after treatment. Understanding the contagiousness of head lice post-treatment is crucial for preventing the spread of infestations and easing concerns among affected kids and adults.  Let’s dig further into the factors that…

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child at school

Why Do Head Lice Have a Stigma?

By lice

Head lice have long been associated with stigma and misconceptions. Despite being a common occurrence – an estimated 6 to 12 million children get them each year – the mere mention of head lice often evokes feelings of embarrassment and shame. However, all this does is create more stress for…

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child outdoors in cold temps

Do Freezing Temps Kill Head Lice?

By lice

The concern about head lice often peaks during colder months when families are bundled up in winter gear and spending more time in close quarters. A common question that arises is whether freezing temperatures can effectively kill head lice. After all, cold temperatures kill off other pests – or at…

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kids playing in snow

Navigating Winter Adventures: Tips to Prevent Head Lice

By lice

We’re well into the winter season, and for much of the country, snowy adventures and cozy gatherings await. However, along with the joy of winter activities comes the potential risk of head lice infestations. During the winter, people spend more time indoors within close proximity to one another, increasing opportunities…

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