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Head lice school policies are changing for the better. Most schools now allow students to return to their classrooms once they receive treatment. They do not need to be “nit free” as they did in the past. These new policies are keeping more kids in school and preventing unnecessary isolation. However, it’s normal for some kids to feel reluctant to return to school following an experience with head lice.

If your child was recently treated for head lice and is hesitant to return to school, here are some tips to follow to ease their first days back. 

Get Educated 

Head lice are still very much misunderstood. Put things into perspective for your child by letting them know how common lice are and why they have nothing to be embarrassed about. 

It’s estimated that 6-12 million people worldwide get lice every year, and some children are more affected than others. In some countries, lice aren’t even a big deal. Kids have them all the time and rely on head lice checks to prevent widespread infestations. Also, head lice have nothing to do with being clean or dirty. Lice love all types of hair – clean included. 

Stay Calm

Once your child receives head lice treatment, they can probably return to school. With the right treatment, the symptoms should improve within a day or so. An appropriate treatment will also kill all adult lice, so technically, your child will be considered “lice free.” Follow the instructions, as some treatments need to be applied a second time to kill recently hatched nits. 

Avoid Head-to-Head Contact

Even though your child will be treated, it’s important to follow smart prevention practices. Remind your child to avoid head-to-head contact at all costs, as this is the No. 1 way that lice are spread. Other items to avoid sharing are hats, scarves, hair ties, hoodies, brushes, combs, etc. Even though lice can only survive on these items for up to 48 hours, it’s better to be safe than sorry. 

Talk to the School Nurse 

Parents and students are often embarrassed to let others know of their head lice encounter, but keeping this a secret can actually cause more damage in the long run. People need to know about lice outbreaks so they can work together to prevent infestations by wet combing and treating affected family members. At the very least, tell the school nurse so they can check everyone in the classroom. 

Use a Head Lice Repellent

Lice do leave a scent behind that can attract other lice. To prevent your child from getting head lice again, use a lice repellent on their hair each day before school. Typically, these repellents are made from all-natural oils that smell good to us but terrible to lice, such as rosemary, eucalyptus, peppermint and lemongrass. 

Treating head lice effectively starts with a quick diagnosis and the right treatment. My Hair Helpers offers head lice checks for the whole family. If head lice is confirmed, we can provide immediate treatment. Our products are 100% all-natural and safe for all ages. To schedule your appointment in our salon or in the comfort of your home, contact us today. Or, check out our DIY head lice prevention and treatment kits on Amazon